Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I worked a dueling job recently and was not invited back after my initial contract expired. I was told by the entertainment director that although he, himself liked my skills, a couple of the other house pianists didn't want to work onstage with me because I was too green and my music skills weren't sufficient. The E.D. is himself a weak player and generally defers to the opinions of the more experienced players. This upset me for many reasons. First, I my music skills are better than most that begin in this gig, secondly, I knew I just needed stage time and I would improve quickly. My music skills aren't really the issue. It's learning the syntax of this format. Thirdly, before he ever called me he was told that I was very new to this format and was looking for a working/training situation to improve my skills and get stage time. Finally, I know that my two detractors had once been green in this gig and mostly likely had to acquire skills after making many of the same mistakes that they were complaining about from me.

I come to find out that one of these pianists (let's call him "WhiskeyVoice") that didn't want me back ended up getting fired from the very same gig and came crawling to my current entertainment director and dueling partner, "Guinness" looking for work. So when I arrived to work last week, I found myself playing opposite WhiskeyVoice. After the gig was over he let me know how impressed he was with how far I had come in such a short time. I told him thanks, but no thanks to him. He stumbled over himself trying to explain his actions but I didn't really want to hear it. A few days later WhiskeyVoice called my current dueling partner (Guinness) and asked him again for work. Guinness, a very experienced dueler and no fool, responded by saying, "Oh I hear that you worked with Eddie before." WhiskeyVoice again stumbled over himself trying to explain why he blocked me from getting rebooked. Guinness suggested that perhaps it might be more helpful in the future to nurture and help the new talent rather than impede their progress, and no, he was not able to offer WhiskeyVoice any work at this time.

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