Thursday, November 6, 2008


I found a piano to practice on! There is a little chapel on the boat that is almost never used, and it has this cute white upright Yamaha just sitting there. I sat down and practiced my newest song I’m trying to memorize: Cheeseburger in Paradise. Then I began to play through the part of my song list I haven’t been able to perform here. Things like Wonderwall, Santeria, Pour Some Sugar on Me, Hurts So Good, Summer of 69, etc. As I was practicing, two of the young Filipino porters who were cleaning nearby stopped in and started singing with me.

Since I’ve been on board I have managed to go to the gym every single day, which has seemed to compensate for all the food I eat on a daily basis. I’m also starting to eat better and better now that I’ve tasted everything over the past 11 days. I’m now eating a couple salads a day and whenever they serve fresh shrimp, I grab a whole bunch and store it in my fridge for snacking later. It’s all protein (and cholesterol). The cocktail sauce here is very bland so I’ve learned to mix in horseradish sauce to give it a kick. I’m noticing a difference in my body due to the consistency at the gym, although I know I won’t keep it up quite this much once I return to NY. Speaking of which, I got a letter under my door this morning giving me instructions for immigration since I was staying on the ship on turnover day. But I’m NOT staying on. I fly back on Sunday. So I have to go to the purser’s desk and straighten out those arrangements.

Last night was the staff Halloween party that had been postponed from last week due to the Norovirus red alert. I joined it at 12:30 after I finished work and it was in full swing. They had decorated the bar in cobwebs and scary stuff and there were a lot of people dancing. It was actually a very happening party. Much better than going to a club, since there was no attitude and there were people from different countries, backgrounds and status, all mingling together to have a good time. Throughout the night I had mixed gin, vodka and beer, but managed to get up this morning unscathed as I had never actually drank enough to get drunk.

Today I woke up at 11am as the ship was pulling into Bonaire. I ordered coffee from room service and showered. The ship has the best showers. Great water pressure and hot hot water.

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