Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Democrats vs. Republicans

I see so many threads on Facebook where Republicans blame Obama for the deficit, and Democrats blame the previous administration for inheriting problems they didn't create. The republicans have always claimed they were for smaller government, and yet all they have done is increase it when W was in office. And the Democrats are continuing to do the same. It should not be about Democrats versus Repulicans.

Ultimately, who should be responsible for our fiscal well-being? Should it be my job to take responsibility for my own welfare and that of my family, or should it be the job of my government?

I say, each of us should be responsible for our own well-being and that it should NOT be the government's job. Their job should be protecting our right to three things only: life, liberty, and property. Period! This means that whenever they levy a tax, they are violating two of those rights, because we don't really have much of a choice (violating liberty) in paying those taxes (violating our right to property) right? The more bloated the government gets, the more they take away our property and disburse it as they feel is good. This is never what our country was founded for! Quite the opposite, in fact. I wish people would begin to realize this and realize that the national dialogue shouldn't be about Democrats vs. Republicans, but rather something altogether more profound.


Jonathan said...

I didn't know you were such a pure conservative. So do you believe in complete non-regulation by the government? If so, how do we protect our families from big corporations without the gov't's help?
The constitutional framers had no idea how life would change so looking to them for soloutions to today's problems is simplistic and anachronistic. That's why we have amendments.
What you suggest is called natural selection. Human society is above this.

The Wanderer said...

Clearly this is a complex issue but the question begs to be asked, Does this society protect our families from the big corporations in our current form? I'd say, no not really, when the banking lobby can have more input into the laws that govern it than the populace that these laws are supposed to protect. There needs to be government regulation, and a government that can provide the framework for economic growth, but the government was never meant to drive the economy. This is no longer a free market. The bigger the government, the less an capitalist economy can grow. What we have evolved to is very inefficient, and the laws that are being made are generally driven by the corporations to protect their profits, rather than protecting it's citizenry.