Monday, September 26, 2011


Two days ago I copied a picture that a friend had posted on Facebook onto my own Facebook status. Here’s the picture:
Most of my friends are like-minded and 16 of them “liked” or commented on the picture. The following morning one of my Dueling Piano friends, a guy who I had worked with one weekend about 2 years ago (and don’t know all that well) private messaged me as follows:
[Dueling Piano Guy:]
you`re kind of full of yourself
what do you mean
[Dueling Piano Guy:]
you are
think you`re better and smarter than everyone else
I think you`re arrogant
[Dueling Piano Guy:]
why?, you just run your trap about people`s beliefs and opinions like you`d know more than they don`t even have fucking kids
somehow the NY and Cornell thing and allthe breaks you get are some kind of license to run your trap.....since nothing matters to me anymore youdon`t want to crossme
Are you talking about the picture i posted?
[Dueling Piano Guy:]
I ought to kick your ass
I think you are full of yourself
I think you are off your meds.
[Dueling Piano Guy:]
what the fuck makes you think you know even one iota more than anyone else
Tell me that to my face puke
Well are you?
[Dueling Piano Guy:]
Fuck NEVER cross my path
you`ll need meds
About 8 hours later he sent me the following:
[Dueling Piano Guy:]
sorry Eddie...bad night. You did nothing to deserve any of that. Sorry again.
Forgiven Sir. Please take better care of yourself.
[Dueling Piano Guy:]
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Eddie.....good luck overseas....I`ll try and take better care of myself. I`m just so sorry for acting that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...