Saturday, May 9, 2009


As a writer, even of a humble blog such as this, I believe that I am responsible for not misleading my readers. Journalistic integrity and all that. Not that I don't occasionally bend the truth if it suits a good story. I do. But not much that the original truth is unrecognizable or completely bent out of shape. So one of my readers felt that I was misleading on a previous entry (click here) and I think it's important to clarify.

I never meant to imply that my friend who is in prison uses sex to score drugs, or for that matter, even uses drugs (Haldol) illicitly. Furthermore, when I wrote that entry I didn't believe (and still don't believe) that he ever did those things personally. When I wrote that entry I was trying to colorfully illustrate the contrasts between my life as a freeman, and the things he routinely lives with as a prisoner. I can understand how it could be interpreted that he was the one doing these things and for that I apologize.

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