Have we as Americans, smart and stupid alike, all gotten together and decided to suspend reality and enter into an alternate universe where George W. Bush shouldn't be run him out of town or impeached and imprisoned for high treason and crimes against humanity? Did we all actually agree to re-elect him and hand over, again, the public trust that he would act in our best interests after seeing his act for 4 years? Did we all agree that when he or his press secretary says something, it should reported as "news" rather than propaganda and manipulation? And this after 7 years of continual mistruths, lies and fantasy spewing out of the spigot of disinformation formerly known as The White House; lies that have proven themselves as such after only a few short weeks or months. How can the press look their aud

ience in the eye night after night and say that the White House says this or that without at least a twinkle in their eye that belies the shared joke that our executive leadership has become? If you had a friend or family member that continually altered the truth to suit their needs, wouldn't you stop listening? And if you were recounting something they said, wouldn't your face reflect exactly how much trust you had in the veracity of such a statement?
REALLY!!...how is this possible? Has black become the new white?
1 comment:
Don't you think everyone altered the truth to suit their needs?!...I mean not everyone wants to truth to come out. especially if is something bad or private. I mean you do it don't you?....ppl are always recounting something someone said. Just to see if what they will tell you the same-thing they said before or change there story.
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