Thursday, April 30, 2009


So yesterday I woke up with a scratchy throat, stuffed up sinuses, a headache and the energy of an overcooked noodle. I did nothing except for about 15 minutes of half-hearted practicing before giving up. I spent most of the day in bed, sort of sleeping, sort of not. Around 7pm I began watching Grey's Anatomy and didn't stop until the wee hours. 6 episodes, 2 hot showers, 4 Tylenols, twenysevenhundredthousand vitamin C's, 3 netti pots and 1 Atavan later I went to sleep for the night.

This morning I woke up feeling better but still stuffed up. I spent about a half hour in a hot shower with the netti pot before I finally unclogged my nose and could breath like a human being again. I am still not well, but today I have much more energy than yesterday and was able to get four solid practice hours in preparation for this weekend's shows.

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