Monday, July 6, 2009

kicked out

Everything is going smoothly. I have a paying roommate in the midtown apartment who seems to be pretty easy to get along with, although we haven't stayed in the apartment together yet. The plan is that I won't be there when he is, and vice versa. Meanwhile, I've cut the telephone service and the cable service to the apartment, and renegotiated the internet, cutting my monthly expenses by about$85. If I want to watch a TV show, I can do it from my computer, online, and the roommate says that he doesn't watch TV.

I'm trying to work out my travel to and from the job I have this weekend near Chicago. I had put off buying the ticket and now it's much more than it was when I negotiated my travel expenses. The problem is the flight back on Sunday. So I've booked the flight out to the job and will wait until midnight Wednesday when all the airlines release more seats to try and book a flight back. Another option would be to stay and explore Chicago for a couple days, but of course that would cost even more, but I could justify it as a vacation rather than a business expense.

Yesterday I was way uptown in the apartment that still houses my piano when I got "kicked out" by my roommate at 12 noon because due to an incoming hookup he had. I decided to go to the gym, which I haven't been in over 4 weeks, since I got really sick with a cold. After a good 90 min workout, I was told I still couldn't return, so I walked over to Inwood Hill Park and meandered down through upper Manhattan into Fort Tyron Park, finally landing back at the apartment at 5:00pm. It was a glorious day, perhaps 78 degrees, sunny and breezy. I was happy to be outside all day, but of course I got no practicing done whatsoever. 10 min after I returned we were both invited to an outdoor concert down in Central Park. Then we ended up in a beer garden on the upper east side, and finally I arrived in my (piano-less) midtown apartment at 9:30pm. A good New York day!

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