Thursday, July 16, 2009


This past weekend I worked in the Chicago area with guys I've never met before. Both shows went really well, and I came away with a couple things. First, a continuing sense of satisfaction at seeing something that I've worked so hard at, really come together. Second, and probably more important, was a more specific sense of some of the weaknesses of my show. Both of these things have inspired me to continue my work in refining my act.

I returned to New York, and spent a couple days in bed with a mild fever and some rapid trips to the bathroom. I swear it's all this flying I do, being couped up in that recycled air with 100 other bodies, carriers of God knows what.

Today I fly back down to Kansas City, where I'll be working for the next three nights. Current songs I'm learning: Walk the Dinasaur (1987 song used as a staff-dance-along showtime, and also featured in the new Ice Age movie), Bennie and the Jets (crazy difficult synchopation), Fat Bottomed Girls (a Freddie Mercury anthem to pedophilia and fat chicks--check the lyrics yourself), and Hallelujah (a Steven Lynch song about big titties).

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