Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I just read an entry on a friend's blog that he received his tax refund. To be honest, I have not filed my tax return for the past 2 years. It's not that I don't owe taxes (I do) or that I morally object to how this government chooses to spend my tax money (and I do, oh how I do!), or that given the chance I would cheat the government out of their fair share (doesn't everybody?), it's much more elemental than that. I have such a strong aversion to sitting down with those papers and making sense and order out of them. And what makes this just plain stupid is that I have an accountant who is going to fill out the forms for me. All I have to do is send him the appropriate papers and fill out a questionaire. And yet here I am, spending time writing about how I hate doing it, rather than just simply doing it! All other areas of my life are in order...why is this such a problem.

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